WooCommerce Integration - Code Parrots

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WooCommerce Integration

Article Last Updated: March 4, 2021

The WooCommerce integration creates an opt-in checkbox on the checkout page of your store. Now users who purchase products from your store will have the option to be assigned to your mailing list. If your store is quite busy, this can be a great way to build up a massive mailing list.

To use the WooCommerce integration, simply check off the WooCommerce Checkout setting on the integration settings page.

When checked, an additional set of options will be displayed. You can go through and set your Associated List, Checkbox Label, Precheck Checkbox and Interest Groups (if you have them enabled for the chosen list).

Once you save the settings you’ll see the new opt-in checkbox field on your store checkout page. Now, anytime a user purchases a product from your store, the email they provide in the Email Address field will be added to your mailing list (see below).